Asif Mumtaz

After studying physics, mathematics, literature, and law, Asif settled in his hometown to explore his talents as a digital writer. At 35, he lives with his lovely wife and two kids in his hometown and ponders on the nature of reality.  

Articles by Asif Mumtaz

How To Connect To a VPN On Android

Published: July 17, 2018, 5:40 p.m. in Virtual Private Network (VPN), Android, Internet Connection

Considering the current state of mobile data theft and privacy issues, many users are opting for a VPN for Android phones. Connecting to a mobile VPN is simple, and users have hundreds of VPN apps to pick something that they like.  Besides, Android OS comes with a default VPN client …

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How to Flush DNS Cache - Guide for Windows, Linux, and Mac

Published: June 26, 2018, 5:41 p.m. in How-to, Windows, Cache, macOS, DNS, Linux

Did someone tell you to flush DNS cache and you have no clue where to begin? Or maybe, you are encountering countless 404 errors and you know it has something to do with cache. Whatever your motivation to delete the DNS cache, this guide provides easy but detailed methods for …

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How To Find Your Default Gateway Address

Published: June 11, 2018, 7:59 p.m. in Router, How-to, Gateway Address

When your home or office network is giving you headaches, you are as if without the digital train. You can’t digitally go anywhere and no information can enter your network. You are a caveman living with all the technology that can’t connect to its brain in the ‘cloud’. It means …

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