What are the Advantages and Benefits of a VPN?
Posted July 17, 2018, 10:26 a.m. by Emil S.VPNs have been fast gaining popularity amongst most Internet users lately. However fashionable they may be, some people may still not know how a VPN works and who needs it. If you fall in this bracket, don’t worry; this would be the jackpot of information you would ever need to get more acquitted with the topic. Some of the general benefits that come with working with a VPN include; help you work or stay connected, can help you when traveling, or the type of VPNs that you subscribe to enable you to watch your favorite shows in another country whenever they air.
What you may not know is that all these VPNs are just doing the same thing; protecting your internet connection, thus giving you better control over your online appearance. Moving on, allow me to go a little technical with you to ensure we are on the same page as you scroll down to the bottom of this informative article;
What Is a VPN?
In simple terms a VPN (Virtual Private Network), refers to a group of computers, operating together over a public network—i.e., connected to the Internet. When connected to a VPN, what usually happens is that you launch a VPN client, then you log in, the computer then exchanges trusted keys with a server that is quite far away. Having verified each other as authentic, both the connected computers can now enjoy encrypted communication, secured from eavesdropping. Most businesses rely on VPNs to connect to remote data centers.
Likewise, an individual can equally use VPNs to get access to a computer network even when they are not physically on the same LAN. You can also use a VPN to secure and encrypt your communications especially when you are using an untrusted public network. You are going to need a VPN if you want a reliable way of bolstering your security and access resources on a network that you are not physically connected to.
Advantages and Benefits of a VPN
Connecting to a Remote Network
A VPN allows you to access a remote network anonymously. For instance, you could be too far away from the office, but you desire to obtain some company data. With a VPN, you can remotely access the company data easily and achieve your objectives. The VPNs encryption also hides your IP address. You could be surfing from Germany, but your VPN provider is in France or any other country. Your IP address that will be displayed is France’s rather than your actual Internet Service Provider’s.
Securing a Wi-Fi Hotspot
If you have a VPN, you will be immune to hackers who may want to access your data via WiFi hotspot (no matter how creepy they maybe). Even if the hacker entices you and coerces you into connecting to an “evil twin” network, he won’t stand a chance of stealing your data as the VPN entirely encrypts it.
You Can Download Without Restrictions
With a Virtual Private Network, you will be able to download movies, videos, music, and different files from the Internet without restrictions. The VPN protects you from all possible lawsuits about copyright infringement.
Confidentiality When Using a Connected Device
Since VPN allows you to hide your IP address, it means you can browse the Internet and gain access to different sites with the utmost confidentiality. The good thing about it is that you can achieve this on any laptop or a connected mobile phone.
Using a VPN is Legal
Yes, VPN service is legal in most countries. However, you should note that in most EU countries, the government requires VPN providers to retain users’ browsing history over a given period.Â
How to Find a Good VPN
The best VPNs offer a stable balance of features, server location, connectivity protocols, and price. Some are great only if used occasionally; others are tailored to enhance getting around the location restrictions companies put on their apps and services. Others help people who do heavy downloading and want a little privacy while they do it. Here are other important things you should be on the lookout for when finding a good VPN;
Check How They Handle Logging
Whenever you connect to a Virtual Private Network, it means that you are entrusting the service provider with your data. To that end, your communications are likely to be secure from eavesdropping. However, other systems that could be on the same VPN—especially the operator—can choose to log your data if they so wish. So in as much as you are enjoying your privacy, you should equally be careful when finding the right VPN service provider.
Check their Pricing Model
Price is an essential factor to consider when looking for a good VPN. You should tread carefully. Always take your time to read the privacy policy for the service that you seek. There are free VPN services as well as subscription services.Â
Free VPNs
With a Free VPN service, the service providers are likely to log your activities and serve contextual ads whenever you’re connected. They also have a habit of monitoring your usage to create future ads for you. Free VPNs also have fewer exit locations and have weak commitments to privacy. They may offer attractive features, but if logging and confidentiality are crucial to you, then this may not be the best way for you to go about it. Unless you are just after some quick, painless security, on a tight budget, then they would be a viable option.
Subscription Service
With subscription VPNs, you are going to part ways with a few bucks. VPN service providers will take your privacy a bit more seriously. You will experience few to no ads when you subscribe to a service. Here, you are likely to be offered free trials so you can gauge if the service is what you seek. You should take note though- the fact that you’re paying for a service doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tread carefully.
Here is a list of some of the best VPNs:
The most crucial aspect of a VPN you should know is that it secures your computer’s internet connection. It is quite a guarantee that the data you’re sending and receiving is encrypted and secured. You can then go on with your work knowing too well that nobody is eavesdropping. It's now up to you to judge whether VPNs are worth it or not.