Internet articles

Using Your Mobile Phone’s Internet Plan to your Laptop
Published: Nov. 29, 2020, 12:32 p.m. in Internet, Smartphone, Tutorial, Mobile Phone, iPhone by Emil S.You are in a hurry to meet the deadline for a job you are doing on your laptop. Suddenly, the internet goes out. You are in a dilemma. What do you do? As luck would have it, you can still get internet access using your phone. How do you do …
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The Best Search Engines of 2020
Published: Oct. 28, 2020, 2:06 a.m. in Internet, Reviews, Search Engine by Emil S.If you've been hooked on to the internet for a long time now for your search and review, you will already know that there was a time when only two major search engines were available all across the world - Yahoo and Google and several other players also launched their search …
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Finding the IP Address of Any Website
Published: May 5, 2020, 8:53 a.m. in Internet, IP address by Emil S.Free IP Address Information from Online Services Internet websites all have at least one IP Address. Having this information is useful for: Bypassing website-blocking tools, blocking a specific site (like when managing home networks), and narrowing down the geographical location of a web server. Searching for IP Addresses can be …
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What's PPPoE Internet Access, and How to Set it Up?
Published: April 29, 2020, 12:56 p.m. in How-to, Internet, PPPoE by Emil S.Providers of internet service, although not all, employ Point-to-Point Protocol on Ethernet (PPPoE) to supervise the networks of their customers. All broadband routers can support this connection mode to the internet while broadband modems need to be configured. How Does PPPoE Work? When you subscribe with your internet provider, they …
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The Ultimate Guide to Internet Cafes
Published: April 27, 2020, 9:17 a.m. in Internet, Internet Browsing, Internet Cafe by Emil S.Internet cafes are also known as net cafes and cyber cafes. These are establishments that provide computers and Internet access to the public for a fee. Who Usually Uses the Internet Cafe? Internet cafes are a blessing for travelers who do not bring along their laptops on their trip. This …
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What Is a Wi-Fi and How does it Work?
Published: April 4, 2020, 1:40 p.m. in WiFi / Wi-Fi, Internet, Internet Connection by Emil S.A lot of people believe that Wi-Fi is an acronym. They think the terms mean wireless fidelity. This is a mistake since Wi-Fi is not even an acronym. And although it is often used as a synonym for wireless, this is wrong since wireless is a much broader term. Wi-Fi is the wireless …
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How to Find Your IP Address.
Published: March 27, 2020, 3:04 p.m. in How-to, Internet, IP address, Home Networking by Emil S.Unlike people, the internet network doesn’t identify computers by name. Computers use numbers as identifiers. These numbers are called the IP or Internet Protocol address. Did you know that your computer uses two IP addresses? While it is uncommon for Internet users to know about their IP address, please understand …
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Top Web Search Tricks Everyone Should Know
Published: Aug. 25, 2019, 5:29 p.m. in How-to, Internet, Tips & Tricks, Google by Michael GNo matter what your question is, the simplest way to find an answer is to Google it. Anyone who is using the Internet will have used Google to search for something or the other. It can be anything starting from how to cook pasta to how to climb Mount Everest, …
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How To Properly Restart a Router and a Modem
Published: June 5, 2019, 6:14 p.m. in Router, How-to, Internet, Internet Sharing by Michael GOne of the first solutions for any tech device, that is experiencing any sort of a problem, is to restart the device itself. If your PC is not running efficiently you might think of restarting it. If your phone is slow or is continuously hanging, you might again think of …
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How Fast Is DSL Internet Service?
Published: April 26, 2019, 6:57 a.m. in Internet, Bandwidth, DSL, Cable Internet, Internet Speed by Michael GAlthough almost half the world’s population uses the Internet, only a small percentage of them know what goes into the functioning of the internet connection they have, what type of internet connection they have, and if it’s the right fit for them. One of the most popular Internet services is …
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