A Quick Overview to the Chromium Web Browser
Published: June 5, 2020, 1:07 a.m. in Browser, Chromium by Emil S.Chromium is a web browser that is slowly gaining popularity for their ability to give more privacy to its users. It is very similar to Google Chrome, so new users do not have to make considerable adjustments to use it. It is also very popular for web developers who want …
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Getting Free Music Legally from SiriusXM
Published: June 3, 2020, 12:49 p.m. in Tutorial, Music by Emil S.Imagine you’re driving along a road in your brand new car and listening to your favorite music in complete clarity. It is being broadcasted from a radio station more than 20,000 miles away. With that kind of coverage, you could drive anywhere without losing the signal and having to switch …
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How to Recover Your Nintendo Network ID and Password
Published: May 29, 2020, 4:03 a.m. in How-to, Nintendo by Emil S.The digital age requires users to set up accounts and put in passwords to secure their accounts, respectively. However, there’s always this one time when you can’t help but scratch your head, just squeezing out your brain’s memories to recall a password. This applies when your Nintendo Password or Network …
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Top 5 Network Routing Protocols Explained
Published: May 28, 2020, 1:12 p.m. in Network Protocol, Network Routing by Emil S.A vast number of diverse network protocols exist to enable computers to communicate with each other and with different types of devices. Routing protocols are groups of system protocols that allow network routers to connect and logically convey traffic between the corresponding networks. All protocols presented below each facilitate this crucial …
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Top 10 802.11ac Wireless Router of 2020
Published: May 27, 2020, 11:07 a.m. in Reviews, Wireless Router by Emil S.We present to you a list of the best 802.11ac wireless Wi-Fi routers that you can get in the market right now based on their features and performance. 1. Asus RT-AC88U - The Ultimate Champion The Asus RT-AC88U is the top choice when it comes to 802.11ac routers. The router …
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Ways to Connect Your Roku to Wi-Fi
Published: May 26, 2020, 1:16 p.m. in WiFi / Wi-Fi, Tutorial, Roku by Emil S.The Roku company’s line of digital media devices makes it affordable and a snap to stream your favorite movies and shows. But first, they need Internet access before you can enjoy more than 5,000 channels that are waiting to stream to your home. Three Types of Roku Devices The Roku …
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Upgrading Your Router’s Firmware
Published: May 26, 2020, 11:11 a.m. in Tutorial, Wireless Router by Emil S.The router is the most vital part of any home’s Wi-Fi network setup. It connects your computer and all your devices and makes it possible for them to access the Internet. It also functions as a firewall that protects those devices and the delicate information they hold from any intrusion …
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What is Internet Streaming, and How Does it Work?
Published: May 25, 2020, 2:02 p.m. in Streaming, Internet Browsing by Emil S.Today’s high-speed Internet connections make video calls, video conferencing, online gaming, and streaming of high-definition movies possible. Broadband lends itself particularly well to different types of streaming. Streaming enables the uninterrupted transmission of multimedia content like music and video files in real-time. It allows the user to enjoy the material as …
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Wi-Fi Frequency: 2.4 GHz vs. 5 GHz
Published: May 22, 2020, 5:52 a.m. in WiFi / Wi-Fi, Internet Speed, Wi-Fi Frequency by Emil S.When it comes to wireless signaling frequencies, the 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz has its strengths and weaknesses. Here, we will discuss the factors that you should consider when it comes to choosing the right frequency band. Compatibility All modern Wi-Fi devices can use 2.4 GHz connections. Some equipment can …
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The Best DD-WRT Routers of 2020.
Published: May 22, 2020, 3:15 a.m. in Router, Reviews, DD-WRT by Emil S.With the mind-numbing array of options available out there, we’ve rounded up the best DD-WRT routers in 2020 that will make it simpler to find the best that suits your needs. These are handpicked from relevant categories that we hope will help make things a little bit easier for you. …
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